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Pilot, Lawyer, Businesswoman

Lawyer, judge of the arbitration court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, plane pilot ATPL frozen (CPL, ME, IR); helicopter pilot PPL(H), international helicopter sports referee, active heli races competitor – member of the Polish Helicopter Team, Russian and English philologist, graduate of the famous Air Force Academy in Dęblin.

FAI Rotorcraft Commission

FAI Rotorcraft Commission (CIG) President

March 23, 2023 – The FAI Rotorcraft Commission (CIG) has elected the pilot, lawyer and businesswoman Serafina Ogończyk-Mąkowska as its new President.

FAI Rotorcraft Commission (CIG)

The Commission conducts FAI’s rotary-wing activities, in particular World Records and International Competitions


  • She is highly recognized and praised in Israel for her support of the Jewish people.
  • She has been honored as a Dame of Parte Guelfa knighthood and holds the title of “Ambassador of Polish Economy.”
  • She is a member of the Euro Atlantic Treaty, a Polish delegate to Brussels, and actively participates in seminars organized by the European Economic and Social Committee.
  • She has received multiple European Medals for her business achievements, including Image Creation on the European Market, Partner of Foreign Companies, and Promotion of Poland.
  • She actively participates in international scientific conferences.


She is the author of interviews, articles, and essays. She also serves as the editor-in-chief of the business magazine Business & Beauty. She has presented articles during international conferences, specifically addressing the issue of Polish-East Slavic language contacts, with a significant emphasis on the reception of cultural transfer. One of her notable publications is “An outline of the specificity of borrowings in contemporary Russian and Polish legal language” in Acta Polono-Ruthenica, Volume 11 (2006), pages 373-378. In her diploma work for the Aviation Security department in 2022, she focused on sport aviation, exploring various types of activities, operational forms, and types of sport and competition in helicopter races. Her work delved into the different types of helicopter competitions and highlighted the achievements of Poles in the global landscape of helicopter racing.


She has extensive experience in organizing international conferences and collaborating with city offices to execute large-scale events.
She has successfully orchestrated various discussion panels and conferences.
She played a major role in organizing the international helicopter championship as part of the World Cup.
She is actively involved in aerospace events and is currently in the process of organizing the Heli Races 2021 in Plock.

Success has many faces. Being a free and independent person is a success for me. Having a job that gives me immense satisfaction is also a success. But the greatest, confirmed and undisputed success comes from having people in my life whom I love, can count on, and who can count on me.




  • prawnik
  • sędzia w Sądzie Arbitrażowym przy Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej
  • filolog angielski
  • filolog rosyjski
  • właścicielka firmy
  • prezes Fundacji Miss Egzotica
  • laureatka Medalu Europejskiego, laureatka konkursu Ambasador Polskiej Gospodarki, właścicielka firmy – laureatka tytułu Firma Dobrze Widzian, redaktor naczelna biznesowego magazynu, laureatka tytułu Kobieta Przedsiębiorcza 2013, Sukces Roku w Biznesie 2014, Kobieta Przedsiębiorcza 2014 SFBCC.

Nagrody i Osiągnięcia

  • członkini Business Centre Club
  • członkini Stowarzyszenia Polskie Media
  • członkini SEA – Stowarzyszenia Euro-Atlantyckiego
  • członkini stowarzyszenia HeliSport, członkini Śmigłowcowej Kadry
  • Narodowej, międzynarodowy śmigłowcowy sędzia sportowy,
  • członkini SEA – Stowarzyszenia Euro-Atlantyckiego,
  • członkini Stowarzyszenia Polskie Media,
  • laureatka tytułu Kobieta Przedsiębiorcza 2013,
  • laureatka tytułu Sukces Roku w Biznesie 2014
  • laureatka tytułu Lider Multikultury 2016
  • nagrodzona medalem MON Izraela (2017)
  • nagroda Global Forum w Izraelu


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