Celem Business Helicopter Club jest zgromadzenie właścicieli, pilotów, firm związanych z branżą lotniczą, w szczególności z branżą śmigłowcową. BHC jest platformą wymiany świadczeń, wiedzy, usług, doświadczeń, kontaktów. Business Helicopter Club to prestiżowa organizacja, której celem jest zapewnienie swoim członkom wyjątkowych i ekskluzywnych doświadczeń.
Join the Prestigious Business Helicopter Club for exclusive Member Benefits
BHC membership is for all those involved in the Vertical Take-off & Landing industry. Join BHC for access to member content, business exchange, training courses, heli sport judging and flying trainings, safety programs, and more.
Business Helicopter Club brings together owners, pilots and companies related to the aviation field, in particular to the helicopter industry. BHC is a platform for exchanging benefits, knowledge, services, experiences and contacts. Club is a prestigious organization that aims to provide it’s members with unique and exclusive experiences. The club’s mission is to offer a platform for networking and building relationships.
Business Helicopter Club was created to help people in the aviation industry connect and collaborate. It makes it easier for members to find new business opportunities and expand their network of contacts.
BHC members join the Club to build:
• the prestige and strength of the community,
• mutual cooperation,
• business exchange,
• gaining satisfaction and pleasure from BHC meetings
BCH is a platform for cooperation and dialogue on the problems of aviation safety and security.
BHC pursues its goals through activities in the public forum, presence in the mass media and its own ventures and projects – e.g. Rotor Awards, World Helicopter Rallies, Heli Races. BHC is a club that cooperates with others in the interest of its members and the environment.
BHC works to increase its social prestige and level of social acceptance.
Club activity is a form of confirmation of membership in the community and willingness to develop professional contacts within the Club’s activities.